At first I considered following the action/thriller genre and doing a film similar to "The Lovely Bones" and "Man On Fire", a story about a young girl gone missing. But then I had a change of mind as I thought that attempting to film an action film like this would be extremely difficult in terms of setting and props. So I thought about the different genres that I could do and I settled with drama. My idea is a family drama based on a young girl who thought she had everything and was as happy as ever, and then her mum began to change and her family was never the same again. A film following her story of how she couldn't take it anymore, her life changed and she had to learn to look after herself, at just the age of 11.
I chose this genre because its my favourite genre, and I wanted to do something that I feel passionate about. I also like emotional films and I want to portray the emotions that other dramas do in my teaser trailer. I think it will be very interesting to film this idea and put it all together to become an effective teaser trailer.
I chose this genre because its my favourite genre, and I wanted to do something that I feel passionate about. I also like emotional films and I want to portray the emotions that other dramas do in my teaser trailer. I think it will be very interesting to film this idea and put it all together to become an effective teaser trailer.
The characters that I have in mind for my teaser trailer are Evie Becks - the young girl, Nicola Becks - the mum of Evie and Tom Strade - Nicolas new boyfriend.
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