Monday, 1 November 2010

A few changes..

Although I organised how everything would be and how it would turn out for my teaser trailer: "Home"; not everything went to plan.. But I suppose this isn't a bad thing, it happens a lot in films. The first thing that I changed was the location of shot 1. Originally, it was going to be in a garden with lots of lighting to give it a happy feel; but when it came to filming, I thought that it just didn't look quite right in the garden, the light wasn't effective enough. So I made the decision to move it inside and I filmed it in the living room, I thought that this looked better because it gave a cosy and homely atmosphere.

Another thing that I changed was removing and adding shots. I removed shot 15, which was a close up of the girl asking her mum whats happening. I filmed this shot during my filming session but when I got to the editing stage, I didn't think that it looked as well as I had planned, so I decided not to use it and add some additional shots instead. I added a shot of the young girl in her room sitting on the floor upset, holding her teddybear. I added this shot because at the time of filming I didn't feel that there were enough shots potraying the emotion that I wanted, so I thought of having this shot of the young girl, which turned out to be successful and I feel that it was effective. Here is the picture of the shot:

I also changed the length of most of the shots. When storyboarding, I planned for most of the quick cut shots to be about 4 seconds, I wanted them to be short to create the effect of a trailer and build up some pace and imagination for the audience. But when I came to editing, I realised that 4 seconds was too long. So I cut most of the shots down to about 2 seconds, after doing this I felt that it fitted in with the pace and ran more smoothly.

And the final small change that I made was moving a few of the shots around. When I put all the shots together and played them back, I felt that a few shots needed to be moved so that it all fitted together properly and acted effectively.

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