The difference between the poster and the magazine cover is that the poster shows what the film is going to be like and gives away its genre so audiences know what to expect. Then a magazine cover usually shows the main character of the film in costume but deliberately posing and looking at the camera, then inside the magazine there are usually shots from the film, interviews with the characters, etc.
Although, there are some similarities between the poster and the magazine cover. Therefore, when designing my magazine cover, it was quite a smooth process as I had my poster to influence me, as well as my teaser trailer.
The idea for the front of my magazine cover is a close up of the young girl with the teddy bear, so I wanted to use an existing film magazine that would fit with my idea. At first I considered creating my own magazine, but I struggled on thinking of a good name and design for it, I couldn't find anything that sounded believable and fitted with "Home". So I looked at a few existing film magazines to try and find and some influences and then decided which one I wanted to use. I looked at magazines such as "Empire", "Entertainment" and "Total Film". But the majority of them seemed to be advertising big blockbuster films, specifically action, and I felt that my film "Home" didn't fit with this because it's a family drama about a young girl. Then I came across the film magazine: "Little White Lies". I really liked this film magazine cover because all of their covers featured a close up of the main character of the film, and this is what I wanted to do. It also advertised a wide variety of different genre films, so I thought that this would be good to advertise my drama film. I also liked the way that each front cover of "Little White Lies" was slightly surreal, the faces are kind of animated, I really like this effect because I think that it stands out from other magazines and captures the audiences eye. Here are a few examples of some of "Little White Lies" film magazine covers:
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